UHI Inverness staff and students triumph in the 2024 HISA Awards

Staff and students across the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) partnership - including four from UHI Inverness - have been recognised for their exceptional contributions in the 2024 Highlands and Islands Students’ Association (HISA) Awards.

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Best Academic/Learning Support Award winner Julie Jones, UHI Inverness

The winners are:

Above and Beyond – Staff Award

  • Shaun Escott, Shipping and Maritime Operations course leader, UHI North, West, and Hebrides (Mallaig campus)

Above and Beyond – Student Award

  • Jennifer Mair, UHI Moray

Best Assessment Feedback Award

  • Dr Alice Mongiello, UHI Inverness

Best Academic/Learning Support Award

  • Julie Jones, UHI Inverness

Best Research or Dissertation Supervisor

  • Iain Robertson, UHI

Best Student Voice Representative

  • Daniel Ferries, UHI Inverness

Best Support Staff (non-teaching)

  • Mark Stirling, HTC

HISA Sporting Club of the Year

  • Snowsports Club

Most Engaging Online Lecturer

  • Pàdruig Moireach, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Most Inspiring Lecturer Award

  • Ali Hepburn, UHI Orkney

Most Inspiring Student – The Students’ Choice

  • Jo Greenwood, UHI Inverness

Best Personal Academic/Learning Support winner Julie Jones, Curriculum Quality Lead of Care, Health & Childcare at UHI Inverness, said: "I am truly delighted to have won this award. As a former student at UHI myself, I understand the significant impact a Personal Academic Tutor can have when you need support. Regular check-ins with my PAT students and ensuring they know I'm there for them is a vital part of my role – and I'm known for sharing a quote or a gif of encouragement! I would like to thank the students who took the time to nominate me for this award."

Best Assessment Feedback winner Dr Alice Mongiello, lecturer in Social Care, Health and Childcare at UHI Inverness, said: “I am delighted to have won this award and I deeply appreciate the students' kind words, which are incredibly meaningful. When giving feedback, I always take a humanistic approach, ensuring it becomes a two-way dialogue between me and the students, which they greatly value.”

Head and shoulder shot of Alice sitting outside wearing glasses on her head

Dr Alice Mongiello

Daniel Ferries, a Visual Communication student at UHI Inverness, was nominated for being an exemplary representative who always stayed neutral.

Daniel said: "When I found out I was nominated and had won the award I was over the moon. I was happy to hear that all my effort had been noticed and it had made an impact. I hope future Student Voice Reps will be influenced by how I conducted things, in the hope that more student voices are heard across UHI."

student Daniel Ferries shaking hands with First Minister John Swinney

Daniel Ferries and First Minister John Swinney

Jo Greenwood studies BA (Hons) Moral and Philosophical Studies with Religious Education at UHI Inverness online from home with the ambition of becoming a RMPS school teacher.

Jo said: "I was really humbled and grateful that someone took their own time to nominate me for this award and I am very happy that I have been able to support my peers as we navigate this journey together. I have learned so much from my interaction with others on this course, and I'm glad that I could contribute in some way."

The student-led awards celebrate staff and students who have gone above and beyond in their roles, providing inspiration and support to the UHI community. They allow students to express their gratitude to those who have significantly impacted their educational journey.

A total of 656 nominations were received, recognising individuals for their excellence in learning, feedback, support, and inspirational roles.

Dr Iain Morrison, UHI’s Dean of Student Experience, expressed his admiration:, saying: “Once again, I have been inspired and moved by our students’ comments, highlighting the transformational impact of our wonderful staff and students. These heartfelt comments are further evidence that UHI truly is a great place to study.”

HISA Vice President Education, Shannon MacCallum, added: “The HISA Awards showcase the incredible efforts to enhance the educational experience and build strong communities across UHI. The dedication of our staff is deeply appreciated by our students, making UHI one of the most satisfying places to study in Scotland. We are excited about the next academic year!”

All UHI students across the partnership automatically become members of HISA, ensuring their voices are heard and celebrated. Find out more on the HISA website.