UHI Inverness principal welcomes ‘extremely positive’ inspection report

All Further Education students at UHI Inverness feel their studies are preparing them well for the workplace, according to a glowing inspection report from Education Scotland.

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Professor Chris O'Neil: The Education Scotland review highlighted the excellence of UHI Inverness

A team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited UHI Inverness in April to conduct an annual review. The inspectors identified several major strengths and praised the college for providing an inclusive and collaborative culture that impacts positively on its Further Education students.

The report said: “All learners feel that their programme is preparing them well for the workplace and that they are well supported to achieve their qualification."

Professor Chris O’Neil, Principal and Chief Executive at UHI Inverness, said: “The Education Scotland review highlighted the excellence of UHI Inverness and the outstanding learning experience we provide to Further Education students, and we welcome this extremely positive report. Throughout Education Scotland’s visit the inspectors commended the work and engagement of all our colleagues and I’m delighted that they recognise just how capable and dedicated our staff are.
“Education Scotland’s report highlights several outstanding points, including the collaborative and inclusive culture across the college, our enhanced staffing structure, learner progress and outcomes and the robust monitoring and support of students. The report also recognises the many benefits of our effective employer and community engagement, including our significant growth in apprenticeship numbers.
“Student engagement is critical to all we do, and we will continue to work closely with the new leadership at Highlands and Islands Students’ Association to develop its activities. 
“The Board of Management and I are very proud of the staff and students at UHI Inverness, and we are delighted that our collective efforts to create an excellent environment and experience have been recognised in this report.” 

The report states: “Managers and staff establish an inclusive culture that promotes equality and diversity themes. Teaching staff and professional services staff collaborate well to ensure the curriculum is inclusive and accommodates the needs of different groups of learners. Senior managers reinforce consistent staff ownership of the quality of learning and teaching. This creates a collaborative culture across teaching departments that is impacting positively on the learner experience.”

It also highlighted the support offered to students, the effective community and industry partnerships and the implementation of student feedback to provide positive change.

“Teaching and support staff work well together to support an increasing number of learners who have complex and multiple learning support needs. They encourage learners to become independent and support them well to progress. Staff engage productively with community groups and employers to coordinate and host events that promote college programmes, employment opportunities and future careers. This increases current and potential learners’ awareness of the range of employment and further study opportunities,” stated the report.

The report has been published on the Education Scotland website. To read the full report visit: UHI Inverness College | Inspection Report | Education Scotland