Health and Social Studies online open day

Join this event to discover UHI's BA (Hons) Health and Social Studies, CPD Award Digital Futures in Health and Social Care and CPD Award Exploring and Developing Palliative and End of Life Care.

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UHI offers opportunities for a variety of undergraduate and CPD awards in the field of Health and Social Studies:

  • The BA (Hons) Health and Social Studies fully online degree focuses on topical health issues including sociology, psychology, public health, rural health issues, health care ethics and the integration of health and social care. Successful graduates have gone onto careers within Health services management and health promotion; Research and development, and community development; Health needs assessment and project management; International, national and local government organisations and ‘third sector’ organisations.
  • CPD Award Digital Futures in Health and Social Care (SCQF level 9) is aimed at anyone who wants to learn about the changing nature of health alongside the use of digital technology. This award is particularly useful to anyone in employment in areas such as health and social care, wishing to learn about their digital work environments. This award is delivered fully online, with flexible delivery allowing you to fit around employment and other commitments.
  • CPD Award Exploring and Developing Palliative and End of Life Care provides and strengthens the knowledge and skills required by staff to provide high-quality care and support to people with palliative and end of life care needs, their families and carers. Course content is based on the NHS Education for Scotland Palliative and End of Life Care Framework at Skilled Level. This award is delivered fully online, with flexible delivery allowing you to fit around employment and other commitments.

The event will be hosted by Dr Mei-Li Roberts, Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Health and Social Studies programme, Dr Linda Nicholson, lead for Exploring and Developing Palliative and End of Life Care and Kirsty Moran, lead for Digital Futures in Health and Social Care and will include:

  • Overview of the BA (Hons) Health and Social Studies, Exploring and Developing Palliative and End of Life Care and Digital Futures in Health and Social Care CPD awards
  • Who the programmes are for
  • Who can apply
  • Employability and career opportunities with these degrees
  • How the programmes are delivered

If you ask a question during, or at the end of the event, this may be recorded.


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