Jo Greenwood

Jo Greenwood, BA (Hons) Moral and Philosophical Studies with Religious Education
“UHI Inverness offered the ideal course for me, combining religion and philosophy with the ability to train as a teacher at the same time,” said Jo Greenwood, a first-year BA (Hons) Moral and Philosophical Studies with Religious Education student.
Jo (50) from Cullen in Moray decided to follow her dream to be a Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS) secondary school teacher after years clocking up long hours and travel miles as a management consultant and programme director,
She studies online from home and believes there is no better option than this course, because it combines education with the RMPS subject matter and means she won’t have to spend an extra year studying a Professional Graduate Diploma in Education.
“I have always wanted to teach. This course combined my passion – religion and philosophy – with the ability to receive teacher training, placements and General Teaching Council for Scotland registration,” she said.
“So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed all the course material. I also love that even though it’s my first year, we are already straight into the educational practice side of the course, learning different pedagogies, lesson planning etc. What is particularly good for me is that I can attend all my lectures online, giving me the flexibility to manage family life and I also work part-time to make ends meet. If I had to travel to the college regularly, I wouldn’t have been able to do the course. I like that all the course material is well-structured online, with everything I need on a week-by-week basis. All lecturers have given us plenty of time to prepare for assessments.”
Jo likes that the modules offer a good breadth and depth of religion, worldviews, and different branches of philosophy and appreciates the support she has received from the library team.
“As a predominantly distance learner, the library team has been consistently brilliant in delivering what I need to my door. Everything feels well-organised, and the university seems to genuinely care about student well-being,” she said.