Rocio Suarez Rubiales

Rocio Suarez Rubiales, HNC Soft Tissue Therapy
“Thanks to you all at UHI Inverness, I am a new person,” said Rocio Suarez Rubiales.
Rocio did not know a single word of English when she moved from Spain to Inverness. This led to her studying English for Speakers of Other Languages and then Sports Studies at UHI Inverness, and four years on she has graduated with an HNC Soft Tissue Therapy and is working as a therapist.
Rocio (31) said: “I couldn't put into words how grateful I am for the support I have received at UHI Inverness. In my life I have seen nothing like it. Every time I tell my family in Spain, they don't even believe it. It is incredible how this place is exclusively designed for people to grow; I really have no words to express this. Thanks to this university, today I can dedicate myself to what I really want to do. Who would have told me in the past that I was going to be a therapist in Scotland? All this thanks to UHI inverness and all the student support.”
When Rocio first arrived in Inverness, she was frustrated that a language barrier prevented her from doing everything she wanted.
“The phrase where learning means more; never has a phrase meant so much to me. For me, UHI Inverness has meant and continues to mean growth, both personally and economically. It gives you the opportunity to be who you are and dedicate yourself to what you really like. It gives you the tools to reach the future you want. For me, UHI Inverness has meant everything in Scotland, and if it hadn't been for the fact that I decided to study here, I would surely have ended up returning to Spain.
“Today I work as a therapist and my life has changed for the better professionally and economically. I also owe this to my partner Javier, to whom I owe a lot of learning. If it hadn't been for him, I would have quit many times."