Victoria Smith

Jaded Gold content

Jaded Gold

Artist statement: 

"‘Jaded Gold’ is a year long piece that has been part of the graded unit under the theme of the UN Sustainability Goals, more specifically, the Better Health goal with the aims to improve health and reduce mortality rates in younger people. As part of the work, I investigated social wealth and how that contributes to better health as several factors of social interactions and economical influence can drastically affect the health of people. The past year has been incredulous as a global pandemic meant that people could not interact face to face, instead relying on technology to provide contact with other people. I wanted this piece to reflect how society over time has moved away from material wealth being a driving factor of social wealth to investing in the emotional needs of everyone individually and with this year having an increased rate of suicides due to the pandemic and being cut off from being able to meet the social needs, I wanted this piece to be a calming reminder that there is still support available for everyone."

Jaded Gold by Victoria Smith