Rhona Morrison

Rhona Morrison, MCIBS, MBA content Rhona Morrison

Rhona Morrison, MCIBS, MBA

Lecturer: Accounting and Finance

I have been with UHI Inverness now for several years and it has been a very rewarding role to date. I lecture Finance in our Undergraduate degree programmes, as well as two core modules in our Postgraduate programmes.

My background is Banking and Finance, gaining experience in my early career within the Branch Network and achieving a managerial role at a young age supporting customers and colleagues across Retail, Business and Corporate Banking. Latterly my career saw a switch to Change Management roles working across different Divisions, completing my career as a Senior Project Manager on integration projects, giving me transferable skills and experiences into my lecturer role.


I hold voluntary roles with Beauly Shinty Club, and actively support the Camanachd Association with Child Protection initiatives, and the promotion of Shinty within our communities. I have two active dogs that need good mileage every day and I also enjoy cycling.