

The Wellbeing Team can provide you with support and advice on all health issues plus we offer services to improve your wellbeing.

Find the address of a local GP or health centre. You can call NHS24 on 111 for advice or medical treatment when your GP is closed.

If you would like to register with a dentist please call the Dental Helpline on

0800 141 2362

or email Comprehensive list of Dentists.

Do you need urgent medical treatment?

  • call NHS 24 on 111 and speak to a nurse
  • contact your GP for an urgent appointment
  • go to the accident and emergency department at Raigmore Inverness Hospital.

Do you need advice?


If you are under 25, talk to your doctor about the Meningitis C vaccine

Mumps / Measles

If you are between 18 and 25 it's likely you've only had one dose of the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine. You need two to be properly immunised. Make an appointment with a GP for another vaccination.

Download more information about measles and mumps.

Giving blood

We support the National Blood Service. Do something amazing - give blood. More on the National Blood Service website

Sexual Health

You can access the Highland Sexual Health page here - Home :: Highland Sexual Health. You can find information on safe sex, book appointments and order free contraception.

Smoking content




We have a No Smoking Policy which aims to provide a healthy working environment and protect the health of employees, students and visitors by raising awareness of the dangers associated with exposure to tobacco smoke. The No Smoking Policy prohibits

  • smoking / vaping within any College building.
  • smoking / vaping in the vicinity of entrances and exits to College buildings
  • preparation of smoking / vaping materials in all public places
  • smoking / vaping in vehicles owned or hired by the College.
  • the use of vapes in no smoking areas.

The policy will apply to all staff, students, contractors and visitors to the College.

Breaches of the policy may result in disciplinary action.

There are services available if you wish to stop smoking either through your GP, local pharmacy, community drop-in or helpline.

Smoke Free Highland

Smoking / vaping is only permitted in the designated smoking shelters. Smoking is not permitted inside any Inverness College UHI building or adjacent to. A smoking / vaping shelter is located opposite the main campus building, adjacent to the road.

At the Scottish School of Forestry a shelter is located to the front of the building.

Want help giving up? Support is available.

More information is available in this Sway presentation.

Alcohol and Drugs content

Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol and drugs

New! Highland Overdose Prevention & Engagement App: Android | Apple.

hope app logo coloured squaresqr codes for the hope app

Highland Alcohol & Drug Partnership | HADP | Information relating to drugs and alcohol in the Highland area (

Addictions Counselling Inverness - 01463 220995

Free sobriety counter APP

Along with tracking your sober days, it helps you build new habits and provides ongoing motivation by connecting you to a ​wide network of people all striving for the same goal: staying sober one day at a time.

i am sober logo three coloured shapes

Free Real-Time Support

The road to recovery isn't easy, but having people around you 24/7 will help.

Download Pocket Rehab APP now and join today

pocket rehab logo of a lifebelt

Gambling content



Because it’s highly addictive, gambling on even a small scale can turn into an addiction that takes over your life. The fact that it’s also easily accessible online now only serves to exacerbate this growing problem.

So if you recognise that gambling has become an addiction, either for yourself, a friend, or a family member, what help is available in Scotland?


Group meetings have always been at the core of our recovery programme, and whilst we cannot currently meet collectively in a room, we have adopted alternative methods to maintain our unity and continue to support all who come to us for help. Our 24 Hour Telephone Helpline and our Webchat facility are manned by recovering compulsive gamblers with first hand experience of arresting their gambling addiction and finding a better life through the GA Recovery Programme. These members can find you local help.

You are not alone. Our Helpline Number is: 0370 050 8881


GamCare has designed these resources to assist anyone who has recognised that gambling may be an issue for them. If you have arrived at this realisation and have made the decision that you would like to change your relationship with gambling, the following workbook is designed to help you, working at your own pace.

Gambling problems can have many impacts for an individual, their family and their friends. If at any time you would like additional support from the GamCare team, you can contact us over the phone on Freephone 0808 8020 133 or via live chat.