Nina Gatt - Care Experienced Lecturer Case Study

Nina Gatt, the Depute Curriculum Leader of Social Care, Health and Childcare at UHI Inverness
Nina Gatt was six when she taken into residential social care after her mother suffered a mental health crisis. Nina now delivers the acclaimed LEEP Ahead programme which has achieved outstanding results for care experienced learners.
The move from a toxic family life to one with structure and routine was a huge transition for Nina as a young child, and all she ever wanted was to hear and feel that familiar chaos of home.
“I still remember what an emotional wreck I was as I settled into the new ‘norms’ of family life,” she said.
“There is always that one person who goes the extra mile to really understand the needs and challenges and successes of their learners. For me this was my form tutor. He had a strong intuition when days were a struggle for me and would keep me bolstered with positive comments and a ‘can do attitude’. His expectations of me were high and it was his belief in me that made me strive to be the best that I could be. We all need someone to believe in us!
“I am now fortunate to be working closely with care experienced individuals on the LEEP Ahead programme. For the last two years I have worked with our Access and Transitions team and wider stakeholders to develop and deliver a programme which recognises the key challenges facing our care experienced young people. This has ensured that our young care experienced learners are placed at the heart of all decision making. The results have been outstanding – with care experienced individuals who had simply ‘given up’, moving on to more positive destinations. I have loved being part of their journey!”
Nina explained that a relationship-based approach is a central focus of our work with our care experienced learners.
“From the moment they set foot at UHI Inverness they benefit from the support of a ‘named’ individual. This not only provides individuals with emotional support from staff who can quickly respond to their needs, but it also ensures that learners feel valued, respected and listened to. Relationships continue to be key within our delivery, with a coffee and breakfast daily soft start approach and minimal staff changes.”