
The Discretionary Hardship fund can assist students who experience financial difficulty while at college. Any award from this fund is non-repayable.

group of students

The fund is primarily used to help with rent / accommodation costs for students in financial hardship with no access to Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit.

To be considered for accommodation assistance, you will need to have a tenancy in your name and be registered at that address for council tax purposes. Full time students qualify for Council Tax Exemption but still need to be registered at the property.

Emergency payments may also be made from this fund, and these are considered on an individual basis. This fund is means tested.

Evidence you will need to provide:

Please note: You must tick the discretionary hardship box on the first page of the application process. If you wish to apply after you have submitted your application, you should request a ‘Re-assessment/Appeal’ through your Student Hub.