Fees and Funding
Find out what you need to know about fees and funding. Select from the options below to be taken to the section that is relevant to you.
Alternatively, the Scottish Government Student Information website provides comprehensive funding information for students across both Further Education and Higher Education (FE and HE). The Budget and Funding Calculator can tell you what funding you could potentially receive.
If you have any questions or need help with your funding application – please either drop by the Student Support Centre or contact the Funding Team.

Further Education Funding
If you are studying a SCQF 1-6 course, such as Highers, NC, Access, Intro to, Prepare for or Step Into courses, you should apply for your funding through the college. Your award will depend on how your personal circumstances meet the criteria set by the Scottish Funding Council.
Higher Education Funding
If you are studying a HNC, HND, Degree, Post Graduate, or any course above SCQF 7, you will apply for your funding through Students Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS).

How much will my course cost?
Learn about tuition fees, fee waivers and flexible payment options.
Scholarships, Bursaries, Awards and Discretionary Funds
During your studies with UHI Inverness, there are many scholarships, bursaries, awards and discretionary funds that may be available to you to during the academic year.
- Visit the full list on the UHI funding pages.