Monika Maleszka-Ritchie


Research Development Facilitator/Researcher Archaeology 

My background is in archaeology and heritage interpretation. I have an MA (Hons) in Archaeology from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) and a PhD in Archaeology from the University of York, where I studied Viking Age trade and exchange around the Baltic and North Sea regions. My thesis blended archaeological research undertaken throughout the Baltic Sea region with historical and iconographical research of early medieval northwest European and Islamic texts. I have experience of commercial archaeology in both Poland and the UK, and for several years worked as an archaeologist with the Newport Medieval Ship Project. I have specialised in archaeological learning and heritage outreach, most recently working with Scottish Canals in Fort Augustus, and with the team renovating St Mary’s Church in Eskadale.     

  • PhD The evidence for standardisation within the archaeological and historical records of the Baltic Viking Age : implications for our understanding of trade and exchange University of York (2007) 
  • MA (Hons) Znalezisko gromadne z Wrześnicy St.7, gm. Sławno, woj.Słupsk – jako przyczynek do rozważań nad zagadnieniem odważnikow wczesnośredniowiecznych. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland (1998)  

Research interest: 

  • The early medieval economy of central, eastern, and northern Europe.   
  • The interaction between Slavs, Vikings, and Arabs on the early medieval trade routes of eastern Europe.   
  • The theory, method and practice of archaeological learning and heritage outreach and presentation.   

Past projects:

  • St Mary’s Church, Eskadale project renovation, education and public engagement  
  • Scottish Canals - Fort Augustus Project remodelling, education and public engagement   
  • Merkinch Welfare Hall Project restoration, education and public engagement   
  • Newport Ship Project, recording and conservation   


  • Asta Pavilionytė 


Maleszka-Ritchie (2021) ‘St Mary’s Church Eskadale. The Restoration  

Maleszka-Ritchie (2017) ‘Timelines with Tapes’ in Outdoor Archaeological Learning, Forestry Commission Scotland.   

Maleszka-Ritchie and M. Ritchie (2017) Merkinch Welfare Hall: Fit for the Future.   

Maleszka-Ritchie (2016) ‘A Viking Age weight from Portmahomack, Scotland’, a contribution to Portmahomack on Tarbat Ness: Changing Ideologies in North-East Scotland, Sixth to Sixteenth Century AD by M. Carver, J. Garner-Lahire and C. Spall, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.   

Maleszka-Ritchie (2013) ‘Measures of Capacity: the evidence for standardisation within early medieval Western Slavonic pottery’ in Kultutwandel im Spannungsfeld von Tradition und Innovation: Festschrift M. Müller-Wille, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, University of Kiel.   

Maleszka-Ritchie (2009) ‘Marine Mollusca’, a contribution to On the Fringe of Neolithic Europe: excavation of a chambered cairn on the Holm of Papa Westray, Orkney by A. Ritchie, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.   

Maleszka M (2003) ‘A Viking Age weight from Cleat, Westray’ in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 133.   

Maleszka M (2003) ‘Viking and Slav: Early Medieval Baltic Neighbours’ in Offa: Berichte und Mitteilungen zur Urgeschichte, Frühgeschichte und Mittelalterarchäologie, A Wesse (ed), 58/2001, 103-108, Wachholtz Verlag Neumünster, Kiel.   

Maleszka M (2002) ‘Forgotten Partners: the role of the Slav in the Baltic Viking Age’ in Medieval Europe Basel 2002, 3rd International Conference of Medieval and Later Archaeology, G. Helmig, B. Scholkmann and M. Untermann (eds) (Sections 1-3 Centre-Region-Periphery) 1, 157-161, Hertingen.   

Maleszka M (1998) ‘Zespół odważników ze stanowiska wczesnośredniowiecznego Wrześnica 7, gm.Sławno, woj.  Słupskie’ (a study of the weights from the excavation at Wrześnica, an early medieval fort) in Acta Archaeologica Pomoranica, M. Dworaczyk, P. Krajewski and E. Wigocki (eds), 177-184, Szczecin.