George Gunn

MRes student content

MRes student

MRes project: From Awareness to Action: Investigating Public Attitudes and Decision-Making Factors for Air Source Heat Pumps in Rural Scotland

This research intends to build upon the limited evidence available to identify the barriers and opportunities for wider adoption of air source heat pumps across the Highlands, Moray, Aberdeenshire and Orkney.

Supervisor: Dr Euan Bowditch

George is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a Board Member of the Royal Meteorological Society in Scotland. In 2022, he was shortlisted as Scotland's Youth Climate Champion at the Holyrood Green Giant Awards. He graduated from UHI in 2020 with first class honours in Geography, before pursuing research in urban meteorology with the University of Reading and UK Met Office.

Today, George leverages his expertise in climate change strategy within local government and maintains a connection with UHI as an Associate Researcher. His independent consultancy practice allows him to directly apply his research to effect meaningful change.

Research interests:

  • Urban weather and climate
  • Climate change in planning policy
  • Applications of GIS


Gunn, G.F. (2024) ‘Measuring nocturnal near-surface urban heat island intensity in the small, mid-latitude city of Inverness, Scotland’. Scottish Geographical Journal 140 (1-2), 192-209

Gunn, G.F. & Jones, S. (2021) ‘RMetS Meteorological Masterclass Series: Anticipating floods, droughts and heatwaves’. Weather 76 (8), 278-279

External profile