Beccy Middleton
PhD student
PhD: The impacts of wildfire and afforestation in peatland: a multi-stressor approach to the recovery of peatland’s soil biota
This project is part of the ECOWILD Centre for Ecologically Relevant Multiple Stressor effects on Wetland Wildscapes.
Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Hänfling
Having worked in botanic gardens for a number of years, I have strong interests in vascular plants and bryophytes, and experience of a range of field work and vegetation surveying techniques. I recently completed an MSc in Ecology and Conservation with the University of Aberdeen which included a study of a montane scrub restoration project. This has helped to focus my interest in ecological restoration projects, and how we might monitor these projects to achieve good outcomes. I am also increasingly interested in exploring the connections between above-ground / below-ground communities and the complex interactions between plants and soil organisms.
Research interests:
- Ecological restoration methods and monitoring
- Vegetation - soil interactions
- Community ecology
Past projects:
- Exploring the regeneration niche of Salix lapponum in a restored montane scrub community – an MSc project undertaken at University of Aberdeen