Postgraduate studies


The Centre for Living Sustainability (CLS) supports a lively student environment for postgraduate studies in the social sciences and humanities. The postgraduate student experience at UHI has been consistently rated as the best in Scotland.

At CLS, we have many community partnerships in the Highlands and Islands and internationally. What’s unique about studying with us is the bespoke opportunities we create for applied research on real-world social problems. Students benefit from many networking opportunities, across disciplines and with community organisations.

Postgraduate programmes

MRes Community Engagement content Finalist explaining business idea

MRes Community Engagement

For full information, simply click on the link and scroll down to the section headed  Community Engagement

MRes Psychology content Graphic-designed image of a brain

MRes Psychology

For full information, simply click on the link and scroll down to the section headed Psychology.

MRes Literature content filing cabinet

MRes Literature

For full information, simply click on the link and scroll down to the section headed Literature

MRes Sustainable landscapes and technology in the built environment content Landscape picture of cows and sheep

MRes Sustainable landscapes and technology in the built environment

For full information, simply click on the link and scroll down to the section headed Sustainable landscapes and technology in the built environment

PhD Sustainability Studies content Landscape picture of Uist

PhD Sustainability Studies

Studentship opportunities are available through UHI Inverness, SGSSS and SGSAH.  Prospective students in need of funding are advised to start researching funding opportunities well in advance of commencing their studies.  You can also explore funding option by contacting staff within your subject area to find out how previous students have financed their studies.

Student experiences content

Student experiences

Laura Graham, MSc student at UHI Inverness, completed a funded research placement with CLS, working hands-on at a care home to improve residents’ place attachment through Virtual Reality and other digital tech.

“I’m so grateful for the student research placement. The opportunity for personal growth and upskilling my research techniques under the supervision of accomplished personnel made the whole experience unparallel to what I could have hoped for. The best part: I’m taking away some great memories of working with some wonderful people.”


Postgraduate research projects

  • After attention: The act of reading as community building and environmental activism - PhD Sustainability
  • Snow roads, snowlessness and snowstalgia: Investigating the impact of climate change on communities to Scotland's skiing industry - MRes Forestry
  • Ecotourism and freshwater biodiversity conservation in Scottish lochs - PhD Sustainability (completed 2023)
  • The governance of rewilding in Scotland: Discourse, process and practice - PhD Sustainability (completed 2023)
  • A changing landscape of practices in the context of sustainable forest management - PhD Sustainability (completed 2022)