Skillsbuilder 1 SCQF Level 1

What is special about this course?

Skillsbuilder 1 is a part-time course for learners who require varying degrees of support in their daily living and learning.

The programme offered has been designed to suit the needs and interests of students with moderate to severe and complex learning disabilities, including those who have limited or no verbal communication skills.

Classes are small to accommodate students, their support workers/carers and to promote a supportive and nurturing environment. A Learning Assistant works alongside the lecturer to facilitate sessions and support the group.

Enquiries and applications should be directed to

Entry requirements

  • Ability to make and express basic choices
  • Ability to follow simple instructions 
  • Ability to work in a group setting

(see ‘content’ page for more information).

  • Application form and informal interview
  • Enquiries are welcome from potential learners, community teams, support organisations, key workers, parents and guardians.

Enquiries and applications should be directed to

Subjects taught offer students opportunities to develop independence, patience, turn-taking, responsibility, confidence and well-being, having regard to the Adult Learning Strategy for Scotland 2022-2027, which aims to improve life chances and learning opportunities for adults.

Teaching is enhanced by using a mixture of visual resources, games, interactive activities, practical tasks, and repetition to consolidate learning. The use of Makaton and other forms of AAC are actively encouraged.

Please note that the course requires learners to be able to make basic choices (for example using Makaton signs/pointing to the object/symbol/ using thumbs up/ any other gesture that signifies a clear choice), to be able to follow simple instructions and to work as part of a group setting. 

Furthermore, learners will need to be comfortable in busy and, at times, noisy environments both within the class and out of class – for example, in the canteen.

How will I study my course?

  • Part Time

Face-to-face, classroom and practical activities.

Part-time - maximum of two full days.

Where can I study my course?

    Start date



    Fee information for part time Further Education courses

    A Fee Waiver could be available to help with the payment of course fees depending on your personal circumstances, please check our Fee Waiver Policy to see if you are eligible.

    Scottish students

    Further Education (SCQF 1-6) level 



    Part-time (per single Higher)



    Rest of UK and International students 

    Further Education (SCQF 1-6) level 


    Part-time (per single Higher)


    Fees are payable on enrolment each academic year.

    Please contact if you have any further questions on fees.

    Is there more information available online?

    QR Code - scan to visit course page

    You can use the above QR code to connect directly to the course details.

    Apply for Skillsbuilder 1 SCQF Level 1

    I want to start in 2025/26

    We are delighted that you are thinking about studying at UHI Inverness. UHI Inverness operates a fair and open admissions system committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination. We consider all applications on merit and on the basis of ability to achieve, without discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion and/or belief, sex, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. We welcome applications from all prospective students and aim to provide appropriate and efficient services to students with disabilities.