English National 5

What is special about this course?

The National 5 English course will cover short stories, poetry and drama, as well as non-fiction text for analysis.


A maximum of two SQA Higher and National subjects can be studied with UHI Inverness in one academic year.

Entry requirements

Pass in National 4 English

How will I study my course?

  • Part Time

Face to face

How long will my course last?

1 Year

Where can I study my course?

    • Beechwood Campus

Start date



Fee information for part time Further Education courses

A Fee Waiver could be available to help with the payment of course fees depending on your personal circumstances, please check our Fee Waiver Policy to see if you are eligible.

Scottish students

Further Education (SCQF 1-6) level 



Part-time (per single Higher)



Rest of UK and International students 

Further Education (SCQF 1-6) level 


Part-time (per single Higher)


Fees are payable on enrolment each academic year.

Please contact credit.control@uhi.ac.uk if you have any further questions on fees.


If you wish to study part time there is a cost of approximately  £382 per subject. Some applicants may be eligible for a fee waiver.

Funding - Tuition fees (uhi.ac.uk)

Additional costs

You will be required to purchase textbooks (approximately £25 - £30) as part of this course. 

Is there more information available online?

QR Code - scan to visit course page

You can use the above QR code to connect directly to the course details.

To study this subject please click here National 5 English

If you wish to study this subject individually or along with one other part time there is a cost of approximately £382 per subject. Some applicants may be eligible for a fee waiver.

Funding - Tuition fees (uhi.ac.uk)

We are delighted that you are thinking about studying at UHI Inverness. UHI Inverness operates a fair and open admissions system committed to equality of opportunity and non-discrimination. We consider all applications on merit and on the basis of ability to achieve, without discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion and/or belief, sex, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. We welcome applications from all prospective students and aim to provide appropriate and efficient services to students with disabilities.