Modern Apprenticeship: Social Services and Healthcare SCQF 6


Modern Apprenticeship in Health and Social Care

Care sector apprenticeships provide opportunities to enhance employees’ technical skills and underpinning knowledge.


Level 6

Delivery Work-based 

START Rolling Start

Duration 18-24 Months



How it works...


This is a work-based qualification allowing you to gain recognition for the experience and skills you have gained in the workplace.

You will develop a portfoliio of evidence which matches your skills and knowledge against nationally agreeds standards for care.

It will develop core and essential skills, such as communication, as well as the specific vocational competencies needed in the workplace such as promoting, monitoring and maintaining health and safety.


Course content...

Access is provided to our fully equipped facility at the Inverness College UHI Campus and is complimentary to training conducted in the workplace. The qualification is delivered in partnership with the employer, student and the training provider.

Registration and certification of the qualification is through the awarding body SSSC. The care sector programmes are delivered in partnership with the student, employer and training provider. They comprise of a SVQ qualification and Core Skills.


What you need... 

Applicants must be working in a care setting.

This course is not suitable for school leavers.

Where you can go... 

  • Enhanced career prospects
  • Meet SSSC requirements for registration.
  • Progression to SVQ 3 Social services and healthcare L7