Class 6: How we procure goods & services from external providers


Information about how we procure goods and services, and our contracts with external providers.

We work with Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges to support the development of advanced procurement across the further and higher education sector in Scotland.

We have also signed up to the Scottish Government's Suppliers Charter as part of our commitment to working with other public sector buying organisations and Scottish businesses in order to improve public sector procurement processes and dialogue.  All procurement activity in the College is covered and underpinned by the following policies and procedures:

Planned Procurements

The college places all tender notices, quick quote notices, and contract award notices on the Public Contract Scotland website. This also covers all Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) requirements.

Supplier Contracts

All college contract information is contained within our Hunter Contract Database which publishes the details against the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014.

Consortia Access

The college has access to framework agreements produced by consortia named below. This enables our involvement in collaborative contract opportunities. The wide range of national framework agreements give us an opportunity to seek value for money on our spend.

Responsible Procurement

Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct

The Sustain Supply Chain Code of Conduct aims to understand the Social, Ethical and Environmental standards and behaviours of the sector's suppliers, to set minimum standards and to provide a platform for supply chain performance improvement. The Code of Conduct was adopted by all of Scotland's Universities and Colleges.

Electronics Watch

As we are a full member of APUC we benefit from their full consortium membership of Electronics Watch, a European organisation set up to drive improvements in labour conditions of IT supply chains, and provides a structure compliant with EU Public Procurement Legislation to investigate, monitor and address labour issues in IT products supplied to public buyers. This is to further ensure the collective push to improve labour standards.

Contracts Register

To comply with the Procurement Reform Act 2014 from 18 April 2016 we are required to publish a register of all of our "Regulated Contracts". These are defined as those that exceed £50K in value over the lifetime of the contract.

Our register can be accessed here and this will be continually updated as and when new contracts are awarded.

If you have any queries in relation to any of these contracts, please contact us.

Procurement contact

If you have an enquiry regarding our procurement process or our contract arrangements, please contact:

Procurement Team, Finance Department
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus

Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273000