Class 1: About UHI Inverness
This class provides information about UHI Inverness, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations.
Updated: 9th August 2024
General information about UHI Inverness
UHI Inverness is a tertiary institution providing lifelong learning opportunities and is the largest partner in the group of colleges and research institutions that form the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI).
As a large organisation with one of the widest ranging curricula in Scotland, we cater for over 6,000 students, from a variety of countries, who study either full-time or part-time. We welcome students of all abilities and from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
If you wish to contact UHI Inverness, the main campus address is:
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273000
Campus information including opening hours
Principal Officers of UHI Inverness
Principal – Professor Chris O'Neil
Vice Principal Operations & External Relations – Georgina Parker
Vice Principal Curriculum, Student Experience & Quality - Lindsay Snodgrass
Organisational structure and responsibilities within UHI Inverness
The current organisation chart includes information on the relevant senior managerial staff and a description of the responsibilities/activities of the major organisational units.
Please telephone 01463 273000 for a copy of the chart.
If you wish to make a complaint about any aspect of our service or our provision, please contact:
Quality Unit
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273000
If you wish to serve official documents on UHI Inverness, please contact:
Governance Officer
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273000
Customer Codes or Charters
We do not hold this information
Access to Information
Freedom of Information Requests
If you wish to make a Freedom of Information Request, there are a number of ways you can do this:
By writing to us
UHI Inverness has produced an application form to assist you to make an information request.
In many cases a link has been created to take you directly to the relevant page or document. Where no such link is present, you can use our website’s Search function.
If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please email the Freedom of Information Officer for further assistance.
Most information listed in our publication scheme is available to download free of charge.
By email
When making a request by email, please provide a telephone number so we can telephone you if we need clarification prior to responding. Our email address is
By phone
Information can also be requested from us over the telephone by calling 01463 273000 and asking for the Freedom of Information Officer.
In person
If you would prefer to see someone in person, you may call 01463 273000 or e mail us at to make an appointment with the Freedom of Information Officer.
UHI Inverness has a Freedom of Information Policy which provides information on how to request a review or make a complaint.
Subject Access Requests under the Data Protection Act 1998
If you wish to make a subject access request, please contact:
Data Controller
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273000
UHI Inverness has guidance on how to process a Subject Access Request.
Environmental Information
Freedom of Information Officer
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273000
Carbon Management
Information on our Carbon Management Plan
Our Constitution
UHI Inverness was established in 1960. UHI Inverness is a statutory corporation established pursuant to the terms of the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 and a charity registered in Scotland under charity number SC021197, having its registered office at 1 Inverness Campus, Inverness IV2 5NA.
Corporate Planning - UHI Inverness Strategic Plan
Download a copy of the Strategic Plan.
UHI Inverness Vision
As an ambitious bold and creative tertiary institution, we will provide world class research informed training and education.
We will provide an excellent experience, tailored to the needs of our students and communities.
Working closely with business, partners and stakeholders, we will support the sustainable and ethical development of the communities of the Highlands and Islands.
Our values define who we are, our expectations of ourselves and of each other. They describe how we interact with one another and how we interact with our students and partners.
The values that underpin the culture of UHI Inverness are:
- Be Ambitious - through teamwork and partnership we have a desire and determination to collectively succeed.
- Be Bold - we have passion and courage to do what we say we will do and exceed expectations.
- Be Creative - we use our collective expertise and imagination to create new things and continuously improve what we do.
These values underpin our behaviours at work and the commitments we make to ourselves and one another.
Our Commitment
- We will operate in an environment of mutual respect, behaving professionally at all times;
- We will act with integrity, being honest and transparent in our work and putting the interests of our students first;
- We will be accountable for our actions, do what we say we will do and exceed expectations;
- We will be passionate in our work and in our ambition for our students, our college and our university.
Supporting Strategies aligned with the UHI Inverness Strategic Plan
Internal procedures for planning and resource allocation
UHI Inverness has procedures for the cycle of planning for resources, curriculum and improvement. Further information can be obtained from the Quality unit at
How UHI Inverness is run
This section covers information relating to the way UHI Inverness is run and how decisions are made. It includes information on the legal status of UHI Inverness as well as its governance structure.
Board of Management
The Board of Management of UHI Inverness is a statutory corporation established pursuant to the terms of the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 and a charity registered in Scotland under charity number SC021197.
Governance Structure
UHI Inverness is governed by a Board of Management which is responsible for overseeing UHI Inverness’s activities, determining its future direction and fostering an environment in which UHI Inverness's mission is achieved and the potential of all learners is maximised. The Board shall consist of not less than 13 or more than 18 persons.
The Board of Management must ensure compliance with the statutes, ordinances and provisions regulating UHI Inverness and its framework of governance and, subject to these, take all final decisions on matters of fundamental concern to UHI Inverness.
The Governance Officer is responsible for making the arrangements for the appointment of external members, or the reappointment of existing external members, to the Board of Management of UHI Inverness.
The Articles of Governance describe the operational procedures of the Board of Management.
Conflict of Interest
The Articles of Governance provide information on the circumstances in which members of the Board of Management, senior managers and other members of staff are expected to declare potential conflicts of interest.
The following Codes of Conduct govern any conflict of interest issues:
- Board of Management Code of Conduct
- Register of Interests for members of the governing body and senior management
Equality and Diversity
UHI Inverness's commitment to equality and diversity, our staffing report and our strategic equality outcomes for the period 2017 - 2021 is set out in the following documents:
- Equality Outcomes Report 2016/17 and 2017/18
- Equalities Mainstreaming Report 2017
- Equalities Report 2021
Progress in meeting our commitments is reported on an annual basis to the Executive Management Team and Board of Management:
Accessibility of buildings and services
The Main Campus building and the Scottish School of Forestry building at Balloch have seen a much-improved infrastructure that enables access and inclusion for all.
Inverness Campus as a whole site has ramped accesses throughout and is well served by maintained paths around the lochan and to the pedestrian Golden Bridge that crosses the A9 towards Raigmore.
Spaces are reserved for those who possess a blue badge and these spaces are nearer the main building in the Jura car park.
Inside the main building we have provision of a hearing loop system for those who require the service and have a colour-based approach to indicate each floor and level for those with other support needs. A quiet room, a gender-neutral toilet facility, and multi-faith facility also provide further inclusive facilities.
The Main Campus building has six lifts evenly distributed to reach all three levels and has a large number of toilets and showers some of which are equipped with lifting equipment for those with limited mobility.
The Scottish School of Forestry building at Balloch also boasts a shower facility with hoist equipment for access.
UHI Inverness continually monitors access and facilities and responds to feedback from service users. UHI Inverness also undertakes periodic access audits to ensure access facilities are maintained and improved.
Statistics on all equality issues are gathered on an on-going basis regarding our staff and student population. Staff data is reported on an annual basis by way of a staffing return to the Scottish Funding Council and quarterly and annual reports are presented to the Human Resource Committee of the Board of Management. Student data is reported annually by way of annual FES and HESA returns. For further information please contact.
Staff Data
Human Resources
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Student Data
Management Information Systems
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Health and Safety
UHI Inverness has a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy which details its commitment to maintaining a high standard of health and safety for all employees, students, visitors and members of the public using UHI Inverness. Supplementary policies are in place to ensure the safety of contractors working on UHI Inverness premises.
The Health and Safety Committee is chaired by the Principal and Chief Executive. The Finance and General Purposes Committee of the Board of Management receive six monthly reports on Health and Safety performance and statistics and the Board of Management receives an annual report.
UHI Inverness' support arrangements for health and safety emergencies are detailed in our Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedures.
Further information regarding Health and Safety matters can be obtained by contacting
Health and Safety Manager
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273000
External and community relations
Our external communications; branding, corporate literature, advertising, promotional literature and merchandise, printed matter, events and website are handled by the Marketing and Communications Manager.
Public relations and press enquiries are handled by our Public Relations & Marketing Officer.
The majority of marketing and promotions work including design is undertaken internally, with key publications such as the Prospectus being outsourced.
Our open days, events, evening classes, courses and news can be found on this website, which is updated frequently.
Positive PR is vital to support the reputation of UHI Inverness and regular stories keep UHI Inverness in mind when students make potential career choices as well as showcase our strengths to the local business community.
News is copied onto the website where RSS feeds enable stories direct to interested parties.
Information on this function can be found by contacting or
Marketing & Communications
1 Inverness Campus
Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273215
Arrangements for keeping in touch with former staff and students including constitution of alumni organisations and services provided to alumni
The University has an alumni association and UHI Inverness welcomes any communications and support from its alumni.
Facilities and services available to the local community
You can find out about these facilities and services
Promotional materials relating to institutional fundraising objectives, including fundraising plans and prospectuses
UHI Inverness does not hold any promotional material relating to institutional fundraising objectives or plans.
Information created specifically to publicise facilities and activities including press releases, website, newsletters and magazines
UHI Inverness uses this website to publicise a number of activities.
Subsidiary companies (wholly and part owned) and other significant financial interests
UHI Inverness has no subsidiary companies.
Strategic Agreements with other bodies
UHI Inverness is an Academic Partner of the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI). Articles of Association.
Government and regulator relations
This section covers information UHI Inverness provides to Government and external regulators. Much of this information is already made available to the public by some other means. Members of the public are also likely to find the same or related information is available from the external partners UHI Inverness has links with.
Funding body statistical reports and returns
UHI Inverness is legally obliged to report statistics to the Scottish Funding Council on a regular basis. Data that is submitted is aggregated anonymously and identifies the programme groups which are active, the different levels of study and the varying modes of attendance.
For further information please contact:
Management Information Systems
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273000
Education Scotland reviews
UHI Inverness further education is inspected by Education Scotland (formerly His Majesty's Inspectorate of Education (HMIE)) on an annual basis. Copies of reviews are available on the Education Scotland website.
UHI Inverness’s higher education provision is reviewed by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) as part of the University of the Highlands and Islands provision. Reports on subject specific reviews can be obtained from the QAA website or by contacting:
Quality Unit
UHI Inverness
1 Inverness Campus
Telephone: +44 (0)1463 273000
Other statutory reports
Information which UHI Inverness is legally required to publish includes our financial statements or annual accounts.
Information on student admission, progression and completion
The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) collates student information across the further and higher education sectors. The information can be accessed via the SFC website by selecting the “Statistics” option from the menu at the top of the page.
Information on our further education student population is available on request. Higher education statistics can be obtained from the Scottish Funding Council website.